Free concrete5 theme is available
Filed in Development, PHP on Dec.17, 2008
This very website is using vistalicious theme written by If you like the theme you can also use it on your concrete5-running website.
It supports right sidebar and left sidebar layouts, more details can be found here:
It’s released under GPL license, so it’s absolutely free.
Tags: cms, concrete5 themes
December 19th, 2008 at 6:30 pm
HEADS UP! The theme has been updated and significantly improved from the previous conversion: new custom blocks added for Navigation tabs and the search form. Read the README.txt file for more details.
Best regards,
Denis Vlasov
April 2nd, 2009 at 2:13 am
This is a great theme, and I’ve installed it on my Concrete5 site that’s under development – thanks! One problem I found out of the box is that the default navigation buttons don’t display properly for the current page, but I see that it works on your site just fine. Our current page buttons only show a portion of the button, just the left image, and the right image is missing. Did you have to tweak the theme and/or your Concrete code to get the nav li.current_page a span CSS element to work right? Thanks again!
April 7th, 2009 at 2:12 pm
Hi LaoTzim, I’ll be updating soon and will revise all the themes available there, so check that soon for updated theme files and instructions.
February 28th, 2010 at 4:12 am
Is there a way to make this theme centered? It’s showing up on the left for me, theme looks cool but being on the left kinda kills it for me.